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영어기사 - A Reflection on Loss and Hope Amidst Global Wildfires A Reflection on Loss and Hope Amidst Global Wildfires In a world increasingly marred by the devastating effects of climate change, the fires consuming vast swathes of land across the globe bring into sharp focus the individual tragedies nested within these environmental catastrophes. Ariel Dorfman, a renowned Chilean American author and professor emeritus at Duke University, shares a poignant na.. 2024. 3. 4.
영어기사 - RESILIENCE BUILDING - The 7 Essential People in Your Support Network RESILIENCE BUILDING - The 7 Essential People in Your Support Network In the fast-paced world of work, it's often the small stressors that chip away at our resilience. These "microstresses, " as identified by authors Rob Cross and Karen Dillon in their book, "The Microstress Effect, " are the daily challenges that drain our time, energy, and enthusiasm. However, the key to resilience lies not onl.. 2024. 2. 29.
영어기사 - LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES - Trust, Team Success, and Lessons from a Former Astronaut LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES - Trust, Team Success, and Lessons from a Former Astronaut Effective leadership is a multifaceted journey, with leaders often grappling with questions surrounding team dynamics, trust, and respect. Former astronaut Cady Coleman, drawing on her diverse career as a chemist, engineer, Air Force colonel, and astronaut, shares three strategies for establishing and maintaining tr.. 2024. 2. 29.
영어기사 - RETURNS UNVEILED - Navigating the Intricate World of Product Returns RETURNS UNVEILED - Navigating the Intricate World of Product Returns When you decide those online-bought sweatpants aren't the perfect fit, you trigger a vast and intricate system that manages the fate of unwanted products. This behind-the-scenes process involves a multitude of players—transporters, warehousers, liquidators, recyclers, and resellers—all working to handle the millions of returned.. 2024. 2. 26.
영어기사 - SEOUL'S BUDGET CONTROVERSY - Backlash Over Support Center Closures SEOUL'S BUDGET CONTROVERSY - Backlash Over Support Center Closures The recent decision by the Seoul Metropolitan Government to curtail spending by discontinuing public services and support centers for marginalized groups, including women, people with disabilities, and low-income individuals, has ignited criticism. Critics argue that this move contradicts the policy direction of embracing social .. 2024. 2. 22.
영어기사 - NAVIGATING CULTURAL EXPECTATIONS - Ask Culture vs. Guess Culture in Personal and Professional Life 기사 제목: 문화적 기대치 탐색하기 - 개인 및 전문 생활에서의 묻는 문화와 짐작하는 문화 이 글은 개인 및 전문 생활에서 "묻는 문화(Ask Culture)"와 "짐작하는 문화(Guess Culture)" 사이의 차이점을 다루고 있습니다. 2007년 Metafilter 사용자 tangerine에 의해 처음 소개된 이 개념은 서로 다른 문화적 맥락에서 개인의 행동 기대를 명확히 합니다. 묻는 문화는 개인이 자신의 필요를 직접적으로 표현하도록 장려하며, 요청이 비합리적으로 보일지라도 솔직한 의사소통을 강조합니다. 반면, 짐작하는 문화는 간접적인 신호에 의존하며 긍정적인 반응이 확실할 때만 요청을 권장하여 상대방이 불편한 상황에 처해 거절해야 할 수도 있는 상황을 피합니다. 서양의 기업 환경은 주로 묻는 문.. 2024. 2. 21.