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영어기사 - RESILIENCE BUILDING - The 7 Essential People in Your Support Network

by 오천크루즈 2024. 2. 29.

RESILIENCE BUILDING - The 7 Essential People in Your Support Network

In the fast-paced world of work, it's often the small stressors that chip away at our resilience. These "microstresses, " as identified by authors Rob Cross and Karen Dillon in their book, "The Microstress Effect, " are the daily challenges that drain our time, energy, and enthusiasm. However, the key to resilience lies not only in our individual coping mechanisms but also in the relationships we cultivate. Cross and Dillon outline seven essential types of people you need in your life to navigate these microstresses successfully.
1. Empathic Supporters: Sometimes, all we need is someone to listen and validate our experiences. Seek out individuals who have walked a similar path, as they are more likely to understand and provide genuine support. Remember, paying it forward by being a good listener can strengthen your connections.
2. Pathfinders: Surround yourself with individuals who inspire and guide you towards positive paths. Identify "fish or cut bait" counselors who offer practical advice, and find truth-tellers who provide honest feedback, even if it's difficult to hear.
3. Perspective Providers: When setbacks occur, having people who offer fresh perspectives is invaluable. Engage with friends outside of your work sphere for a different outlook and reinforce your core values with individuals who remind you of what truly matters.
4. Surge Managers: Don't go through surges at work or home alone. Proactively help others in your network and build relationships with those who share similar goals. Mutual support during challenging times fosters a sense of control over your life.
5. Laughter Encouragers: Laughter is a powerful stress reliever. Cultivate virtual ties with friends who share your sense of humor and use self-deprecating humor to create bonds within your team. Humor helps you relax, think better, and enhance creativity.
6. People Navigators: Overthinking interpersonal dynamics can create unnecessary stress. Connect with natural connectors in your organization who understand the political landscape and maintain a network of colleagues willing to share their experiences and perspectives.
7. Break Advocates: Breaks are essential for well-being. Join self-improvement activities with others to stay motivated and invest in extended networks that expand beyond your immediate circle. Ten percenters emphasize the importance of engaging with diverse social groups for a more well-rounded support system.
In essence, building resilience is not a solitary endeavor but a collaborative effort involving a diverse network of individuals. These connections offer emotional support, practical guidance, fresh perspectives, and moments of laughter, creating a robust microstress toolkit. As you navigate the challenges of the modern workplace, consider the strength of your relationships and the role they play in enhancing your resilience.

출처 : 스피쿠스

기사 제목: 회복력 강확 : 7가지 유형의 필수 지지자들

이 글은 빠르게 변화하는 업무 환경에서 개인의 회복력을 키우는 데 있어 중요한 역할을 하는 사람들의 유형에 대해 설명하고 있습니다. 작가 Rob Cross와 Karen Dillon은 자신의 책 "The Microstress Effect"에서, 일상적인 도전들이 우리의 시간, 에너지, 그리고 열정을 소진시키는 "미세스트레스"를 언급하며, 이러한 스트레스를 성공적으로 다루기 위해 우리 삶에 필요한 일곱 가지 유형의 사람들을 강조합니다.

공감 지원자(Empathic Supporters)
관점 제공자(Perspective Providers)
급증 관리자(Surge Managers)
웃음 촉진자(Laughter Encouragers)
사람 네비게이터(People Navigators)
휴식 지지자(Break Advocates)

단어 학습:

  1. 회복력(Resilience): 회복력은 어려움에 직면했을 때 원래 상태로 돌아올 수 있는 능력을 말합니다.
    • 예문: After losing her job, her resilience helped her to quickly bounce back and find a new career path.
  2. 미세스트레스(Microstresses): 일상 속 작은 스트레스 요인들을 말합니다.
    • 예문: Constant email notifications have become a major source of microstress in my daily work.
  3. 공감(Empathy): 다른 사람의 감정이나 상황을 이해하고 공감하는 능력입니다.
    • 예문: Showing empathy towards his team members increased the overall morale and productivity of the group.
  4. 길잡이(Pathfinder): 올바른 방향으로 안내하고 조언을 제공하는 사람을 말합니다.
    • 예문: My mentor has been a pathfinder for me, guiding me through difficult decisions in my career.
  5. 관점(Perspective): 사물이나 상황을 바라보는 특정한 관점이나 시각입니다.
    • 예문: Gaining a new perspective on the problem allowed us to find a creative solution.

영어 표현:

  1. Microstresses (미세스트레스)
    • 정의: 일상생활에서 경험하는 작고 반복적인 스트레스 요인들을 말합니다.
    • 예문: "The continuous pinging of message notifications throughout the day is a kind of microstress that can lead to burnout if not managed properly."
  2. Paying it forward (선한 영향력을 전파하다)
    • 정의: 받은 도움이나 친절을 직접적으로 갚는 대신, 다른 사람에게 도움을 주어 선한 행동이 계속 이어지게 하는 것입니다.
    • 예문: "After receiving help from a colleague when I was new, I made sure to pay it forward by mentoring the next batch of newcomers, creating a culture of support and kindness in our office."