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영어기사 - SEOUL'S BUDGET CONTROVERSY - Backlash Over Support Center Closures

by 오천크루즈 2024. 2. 22.

SEOUL'S BUDGET CONTROVERSY - Backlash Over Support Center Closures

The recent decision by the Seoul Metropolitan Government to curtail spending by discontinuing public services and support centers for marginalized groups, including women, people with disabilities, and low-income individuals, has ignited criticism. Critics argue that this move contradicts the policy direction of embracing social minorities.
One notable impact of this decision is the closure of the Seoul Woman Craft Center, located in northeastern Seoul. The city government issued an official notice to 16 residency member companies, instructing them to vacate the premises by the end of February, a significant ten months before their contracts were set to expire. Established in 2017, the center played a vital role in incubating and supporting female craftspeople by providing affordable working space, equipment, workshops, and exhibitions. However, the city decided to drastically cut the program's budget from 1.8 billion won ($1.3 million) to approximately 300 million won, citing an economic revitalization project in the district.
The emergency response committee of the center's member companies expressed concern, stating that the sudden move puts member companies and center operators at risk of losing their jobs. They called on the city government to either restore the budget cuts or provide alternative public services as promised through due procedures.
In addition to the closure of the craft center, public nighttime pharmacies in Seoul are also on the brink of shutting down due to budget cuts. These pharmacies, numbering 33 in the capital, have been a vital resource for those in urgent need of medicine during late hours. Despite the city government's claim that these pharmacies represent only 19 percent of the city's late-night pharmacies and that emergency medicines are available at convenience stores, the Korean Pharmaceutical Association condemned the decision, calling it a "step backward in solving the financial difficulties of ordinary people who can't afford to go to emergency rooms."
Following persistent criticism, the Seoul Metropolitan Government decided to urgently allocate funds to continue the operations of public late-night pharmacies until January next year. However, no further budget allocation is proposed for the rest of 2024.
The ramifications of budget cuts extend beyond pharmacies and craft centers. The Seoul Braille Library is set to shut down by the end of December, and the Seoul Acceleration Center for Gender Equity is scheduled to close in June next year due to budget constraints. These closures raise concerns about the broader impact on access to essential services and support for vulnerable populations in the city.
As Seoul grapples with economic revitalization projects and budget constraints, the debate surrounding the prioritization of services for social minorities and the potential long-term consequences of these decisions continues to unfold.

출처 : 스피쿠스

기사 제목: 서울 예산 논란 - 지원 센터 폐쇄에 대한 반발

서울 예산 논란 - 서울시의 예산 삭감에 따른 공공 서비스 및 지원 센터 축소 결정은 여성, 장애인, 저소득층 등 사회적 소수자를 위한 서비스를 제공하는 것과 모순되는 정책 방향을 취한다는 비판을 받고 있습니다. 특히 서울 여성 공예 센터의 폐쇄와 같은 결정은 중요한 영향을 미치며, 이 센터는 여성 공예인들을 지원하는 핵심 역할을 해왔습니다. 또한, 서울시의 예산 삭감으로 인해 야간 약국과 같은 공공 서비스의 폐쇄 위기에 처한 것은 주민들에게 필수적인 서비스 접근성에 대한 우려를 증폭시키고 있습니다. 이러한 결정들은 사회적 소수자를 위한 서비스 우선순위와 이러한 결정들이 장기적으로 미칠 수 있는 영향에 대한 논쟁을 불러일으키고 있습니다.

단어 학습:

  1. 예산 삭감 (Budget cuts) - 예산을 줄이는 행위
    • 예시 문장: Due to budget cuts, the library had to reduce its operating hours.
  2. 공공 서비스 (Public services) - 정부나 지방 자치 단체가 제공하는 서비스
    • 예시 문장: The city is known for its excellent public services, including parks and libraries.
  3. 사회적 소수자 (Social minorities) - 사회에서 다수 집단에 속하지 않아 상대적으로 불리한 위치에 있는 사람들
    • 예시 문장: Programs aimed at social minorities often focus on improving access to education and healthcare.
  4. 야간 약국 (Nighttime pharmacies) - 밤 시간에도 운영되는 약국
    • 예시 문장: Finding a nighttime pharmacy can be a lifesaver for those in urgent need of medication after hours.
  5. 경제 활성화 (Economic revitalization) - 경제를 살리고 활성화하기 위한 조치
    • 예시 문장: The government's economic revitalization plan includes incentives for small businesses and infrastructure projects.

영어 표현:

  1. Curtail spending (지출을 줄이다)
    • 의미: 지출을 줄이거나 제한하는 행위
    • 예시 문장: The company had to curtail spending to avoid bankruptcy.
  2. Ignited criticism (비판을 촉발하다)
    • 의미: 어떤 행위나 결정이 비판이나 반대의 여론을 불러일으키는 것
    • 예시 문장: The policy change ignited criticism from various stakeholders who were concerned about its impact.