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by 오천크루즈 2023. 12. 1.

In today's fast-paced world, daily showers have become the norm for many. However, dermatologists are now suggesting that a one-size-fits-all approach to showering might not be the best practice for everyone. Your skin and hair type, sweat levels, and daily activities all play a crucial role in determining how often you should shower. In this article, we explore the factors that influence your showering routine and provide expert advice on when to shower daily and when to be more judicious.

When to Shower Daily

For individuals who sweat profusely due to exercise, work, or a natural predisposition to perspiration, daily showers are essential. Dr. Marisa Garshick, a New York City-based dermatologist, emphasizes the importance of rinsing away sweat and buildup that can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. Similarly, people with oily hair may benefit from daily shampooing. While dry shampoo can help in a pinch, it's crucial to use traditional shampoo to eliminate product buildup and excess oil, which can otherwise clog pores and lead to scalp irritation and sensitivity.

Dandruff sufferers should also consider daily shampooing. Dr. Azadeh Shirazi, a dermatologist based in California, points out that dandruff is caused by a yeast-like fungus that feeds on scalp oil, leading to skin inflammation and flaking. Daily shampooing can effectively eliminate these fungi, preventing dandruff.

When to Be Judicious

While daily showers are suitable for some, people with eczema, dry, or sensitive skin may want to shower every other day or even less frequently. Frequent exposure to soap and water can exacerbate dry skin, leading to irritation and itchiness. Dr. Joyce Park, a Seattle-based dermatologist, notes that excessive showering can cause the skin to dry out, potentially leading to cracks that allow microorganisms in, increasing the risk of skin infections. To mitigate these risks, experts suggest choosing showers over baths and keeping showers short and not too hot.

For those with dry hair or a dry scalp, it's best to limit shampooing to once or twice a week. People with curly or coiled hair may also find it beneficial to shampoo less frequently. In the case of eczema or dry skin, if you still prefer daily cleansing, Dr. Garshick recommends using soap selectively on the essential areas: armpits, groin, hands, feet, and visibly dirty body parts.

When using soap on sensitive skin, especially in the genital area, Dr. Shirazi advises caution. A mild, fragrance-free cleanser is suitable for the vulva, groin folds, and scrotum, but it's best to avoid soap on the vagina, anus, or penis. Just use water. To minimize skin dryness, irritation, and itching, opt for gentle cleansers or bar soaps containing moisturizing ingredients like hyaluronic acid and ceramides. Dr. Garshick recommends products such as the Dove Original Beauty Bar, CeraVe Hydrating Body Wash, and Cetaphil Ultra Gentle Body Wash. She advises choosing fragrance-free cleansers as opposed to unscented ones, which may contain masking fragrances that can irritate the skin.

After your shower, gently pat your skin dry instead of rubbing it and apply moisturizer from head to toe on damp skin. This can help lock in moisture and maintain healthy, hydrated skin.

In conclusion, daily showers are not universally necessary, and it's crucial to tailor your showering routine to your specific skin and hair type, daily activities, and personal preferences. By following expert advice and being mindful of your body's needs, you can strike the right balance between cleanliness and skin health.

출처 : 스피쿠스

기사 제목: "데일리 샤워의 진실 - 필요성?"

이 기사에서는 일상적인 샤워의 필요성에 대해 다루고 있습니다. 많은 피부과 전문의들은 개인의 피부와 머리카락 유형, 땀 수준, 일상 활동에 따라 샤워 빈도를 조정하는 것이 중요하다고 강조합니다. 땀을 많이 흘리거나 기름진 머리카락을 가진 사람들에게는 매일 샤워하는 것이 좋습니다. 반면, 아토피, 건조하거나 민감한 피부를 가진 사람들은 이틀에 한 번 또는 그 이하로 샤워하는 것이 좋습니다. 또한, 샤워 시 사용하는 비누의 종류와 샤워 후 보습제의 사용도 중요합니다.


  1. Dermatologist (피부과 전문의): 피부 질환을 전문으로 다루는 의사.
    • Example: "A dermatologist can provide tailored advice for skin care."
  2. Perspiration (땀): 체온을 조절하기 위해 피부에서 분비되는 액체.
    • Example: "During summer, perspiration helps cool the body."
  3. Scalp (두피): 머리카락이 나는 피부 부위.
    • Example: "Using the right shampoo can improve the health of your scalp."
  4. Eczema (아토피): 가려움증과 발진이 특징인 피부 질환.
    • Example: "Eczema can be managed with proper skin care routines."
  5. Moisturizer (보습제): 피부의 수분을 유지하는 데 사용되는 크림이나 로션.
    • Example: "Applying moisturizer after showering helps keep the skin hydrated."


  1. Clogged pores (막힌 모공): 먼지와 기름으로 인해 막힌 피부의 작은 구멍.
    • 예문: "Cleansing your face regularly can prevent clogged pores."
  2. Irritation (자극): 피부에 불편함 또는 통증을 유발하는 상태.
    • 예문: "Sensitive skin can experience irritation from harsh chemicals."