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영어기사 - THE OPENAI TURMOIL - Sam Altman's Return and the Future of ChatGPT

by 오천크루즈 2024. 1. 17.

THE OPENAI TURMOIL - Sam Altman's Return and the Future of ChatGPT

In a whirlwind of events, Sam Altman has been reinstated as the CEO of OpenAI, marking the end of a week that saw the company undergo three CEO changes. The astonishing turn of events has left many questioning what lies ahead for the renowned creator of ChatGPT. Let's delve into the details of this unexpected saga.
The saga began on November 17th when OpenAI's board made a sudden announcement, removing co-founder and CEO Sam Altman from his position with immediate effect. Following a failed attempt to reinstate Altman during weekend negotiations, the board named former Twitch executive Emmett Shear as the interim CEO. However, this decision triggered a massive response from OpenAI employees, including Mira Murati, who had briefly held the interim CEO role, and board member Ilya Sutskever. They signed a letter threatening to leave for Microsoft jobs unless Altman was reinstated.
Ultimately, negotiations prevailed, leading to Altman's return as CEO, accompanied by the reinstatement of Mira Murati as the company's Chief Technology Officer (CTO). The deal also introduced new board members, including representation from Microsoft, adding another layer of intrigue to the unfolding story.
These developments transpired nearly a year after the launch of ChatGPT, a groundbreaking AI application that garnered widespread attention and sparked a race within the industry to develop generative AI tools and supporting hardware. Altman, speaking at OpenAI's inaugural developer conference just a week before his removal, boasted of over 100 million weekly ChatGPT users and a community of more than 2 million developers utilizing the company's APIs.
While the full details of the rift between Sam Altman and OpenAI's board remain undisclosed, a recent report from The New Yorker suggests that Microsoft's involvement played a crucial role in the turmoil. Allegedly, OpenAI's original board deliberately excluded Microsoft from initial discussions about Altman's ouster, believing that the tech giant would support their decision.
Intriguingly, Microsoft executives were caught off guard by the decision, possibly to prevent Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella from informing Altman in advance. This strategic move, orchestrated to ensure Altman's surprise, underlines Altman's reputation as a savvy businessperson.
Initially, Altman's dismissal appeared to revolve around the debate concerning the risks associated with AI and the perception that Altman had not been forthcoming with crucial information. In a surprising twist, the board assumed that Microsoft would endorse their actions, given Microsoft's cautious approach to AI and its aversion to anthropomorphizing the technology.
However, Microsoft quickly integrated GPT into its products, signaling its intent to bring AI into everyday life. Microsoft CEO Nadella even expressed the desire to compete with Google through AI innovations. As reported by The New Yorker, many Microsoft insiders considered the OpenAI board's decision "mind-bogglingly stupid" and feared it could jeopardize the future of ChatGPT.
In response, Microsoft devised three plans: first, to support OpenAI CTO Mira Murati's brief tenure as CEO; second, to leverage its substantial investment to reinstate Altman; and third, to hire Altman and other OpenAI personnel to collaborate within Microsoft.
Ultimately, Altman reclaimed his position as OpenAI's CEO, while Microsoft secured an observer seat on OpenAI's board. Despite these dramatic events, the precise reasons behind Altman's initial removal from the helm of OpenAI remain shrouded in mystery.
As OpenAI navigates this tumultuous period, the future of ChatGPT and generative AI hangs in the balance, with Sam Altman once again at the helm, steering the company toward its next chapter.

출처 : 스피쿠스

기사 제목: Sam Altman의 복귀와 ChatGPT의 미래

이 글은 OpenAI의 CEO로서 Sam Altman이 재임명된 것에 대한 기사입니다. OpenAI는 ChatGPT의 창작자로 유명하며, 이번 일련의 사건으로 많은 사람들이 회사의 미래에 대해 의문을 제기하고 있습니다.

단어 학습:

  1. Sam Altman (샘 알트만): OpenAI의 공동 창립자이자 CEO.
    • 예문: "Sam Altman has been a pivotal figure in advancing AI technology through his leadership at OpenAI."
  2. CEO Changes (CEO 변경): 회사의 최고 경영자 교체.
    • 예문: "The company experienced unprecedented CEO changes, leading to significant shifts in its strategic direction."
  3. Microsoft (마이크로소프트): 미국의 다국적 기술 회사.
    • 예문: "Microsoft has shown a keen interest in AI development, collaborating closely with OpenAI."
  4. CTO (기술 최고 책임자): 회사의 기술 전략을 책임지는 최고 경영자.
    • 예문: "The new CTO brought a fresh perspective on the company's approach to technology innovation."
  5. Generative AI (생성적 AI): 인공 지능이 새로운 콘텐츠를 생성하는 기술.
    • 예문: "Generative AI is revolutionizing how we interact with technology, enabling machines to create original content."

영어 표현:

  1. Groundbreaking (혁신적인): 새롭고 혁신적인, 특히 전례가 없는 중대한 발전을 의미합니다.
  2. Outperform (우수하다): 다른 것보다 더 나은 성능이나 결과를 보이다.

영어 예문:

  1. Whirlwind of events (사건의 소용돌이): 매우 빠르고 혼란스러운 일련의 사건을 묘사할 때 사용됩니다.
    • 예문: "The company's expansion was a whirlwind of events, with new offices opening across the globe in just a few months."
  2. Garnered widespread attention (널리 주목을 받다): 많은 사람들의 관심을 끌다 또는 폭넓은 주목을 받다를 의미합니다.
    • 예문: "Her innovative research in renewable energy sources garnered widespread attention in the scientific community."
