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영어기사 - ORIGINAL THINKERS - Unveiling the Unconventional Traits

by 오천크루즈 2024. 1. 23.

ORIGINAL THINKERS - Unveiling the Unconventional Traits

Seven years ago, a young student approached me with a bold proposition - to invest in his company that aimed to disrupt the market by selling products online. He and his three friends were the visionaries behind this venture. When I inquired about their commitment to the project, they revealed they had taken internships as backup plans. Even after graduation, they weren't prepared to dive in full time. Six months passed, and on the eve of the company's launch, there was still no functioning website. My skepticism led me to decline their proposal.
The company they went on to establish was none other than Warby Parker, now recognized as the world's most innovative company with a billion-dollar valuation. Today, my wife manages our investments, making me ponder why I made such a significant misjudgment. To unravel this mystery, I embarked on a study of a unique group of individuals whom I call "originals." These are the nonconformists, the individuals with revolutionary ideas who take action to champion them. They are the catalysts for creativity and change, the ones you should place your bets on. Yet, they defy the stereotypes I once held. In this article, I'll share three essential lessons about recognizing and emulating original thinkers.
My initial hesitation with Warby Parker stemmed from their slow start. In contrast, I consider myself a "precrastinator" - the opposite of a procrastinator. I feel the panic that usually sets in hours before a deadline several months in advance. As a child, my dedication to mastering Nintendo games led to a newspaper feature on the dark side of gaming addiction. In college, I completed my senior thesis four months before the deadline. However, my perspective shifted when a student named Jihae revealed that she had her most creative ideas while procrastinating. Research backed her claim, showing that moderate procrastinators tend to be more creative than those who rush in or procrastinate excessively.
Procrastination provides the necessary time for incubating ideas, encouraging divergent thinking and unexpected leaps. I experimented with procrastination while writing a book about originals, and the hiatus provided fresh insights when I returned to my writing. Historical examples further support this phenomenon. Leonardo da Vinci spent 16 years perfecting the Mona Lisa, employing diversions that enhanced his artistic abilities. Martin Luther King, Jr. improvised his iconic "I have a dream" speech because he delayed finalizing it, allowing room for innovative ideas.
Procrastination, typically viewed as a vice in terms of productivity, can be a virtue for creativity. Originals often exhibit a tendency to start quickly but finish slowly, a trait I overlooked with Warby Parker. They spent time figuring out how to make people comfortable ordering glasses online, demonstrating that the first-mover advantage is often a myth.
Another reason for my initial hesitation with Warby Parker was their doubt and backup plans. I expected originals to exude unwavering confidence, but the reality is more complex. Originals experience fear and doubt like everyone else, but they manage it differently. They distinguish between self-doubt, which can paralyze, and idea doubt, which motivates experimentation and refinement.
To be original, one must avoid prematurely transitioning from self-doubt to defeatism. A simple shift in mindset, acknowledging that initial drafts are typically subpar but part of the process, can foster creativity. Research even suggests that the web browser you choose can reflect your propensity to doubt the default and seek better alternatives, affecting job performance and commitment.
Originals embrace "vuja de" - seeing something familiar with fresh eyes. They understand that fear is an integral part of the creative process, and they fear not trying more than they fear failure. They know that inaction leads to greater regret than attempting and failing.
Elon Musk exemplifies this attitude, acknowledging the likelihood of failure but pursuing ventures he deems crucial. Originals generate numerous ideas, understanding that many may fail. This willingness to try, even with the possibility of failure, sets them apart.
In conclusion, originals aren't as different from the rest of us as one might assume. They experience fear, doubt, procrastination, and have their fair share of bad ideas. However, these qualities can be catalysts for success. Recognize the potential in individuals who exhibit these traits, and don't count yourself out either. Embrace procrastination as a tool for creativity, learn to manage doubt, and don't be afraid of trying and failing. Being original isn't easy, but it's the most effective way to reshape the world around us.

출처 : 스피쿠스

기사 제목: 비전통적 특성을 드러내는 원래의 사고자들

이 글은 '원래의 생각가들'에 대해 다루고 있으며, 비전통적인 특성을 밝히고 있습니다. 저자는 Warby Parker라는 혁신적인 회사의 창립자들과의 초기 만남을 회상하며, 이들이 어떻게 세계에서 가장 혁신적인 회사 중 하나로 성장했는지 설명합니다. 그는 '원래의 생각가들'이라고 부르는 독창적인 개인들의 연구를 통해 세 가지 중요한 교훈을 공유합니다: 프로크라스티네이션(지연)의 가치, 자기 의심과 아이디어 의심의 차이, 그리고 실패에 대한 두려움을 극복하는 것입니다.

단어 학습:

  1. Disrupt (혁신하다): 젊은 학생들은 온라인 판매를 통해 시장을 혁신하려 했습니다.
    • 예문: "Many startups aim to disrupt traditional industries with innovative technology."
  2. Procrastinate (미루다): 연구에 따르면 적당한 프로크라스티네이션은 창의성을 높일 수 있습니다.
    • 예문: "Sometimes, I procrastinate on my projects to give myself time to think creatively."
  3. Innovation (혁신): Warby Parker는 혁신을 통해 시장에 새로운 방식을 도입했습니다.
    • 예문: "Innovation is key for companies to remain competitive in a rapidly changing market."
  4. Doubt (의심): 원래의 생각가들은 자기 의심과 아이디어 의심을 구분합니다.
    • 예문: "Her doubt about the feasibility of the plan led her to seek alternative solutions."
  5. Original (원래의, 독창적인): 원래의 생각가들은 자신의 아이디어를 추진하고 창의적인 변화를 일으킵니다.
    • 예문: "Being original in your approach can often lead to unexpected and successful outcomes."

영어 표현:

  1. Original Thinkers (원래의 사고자들)
    • 예문: "Steve Jobs was often regarded as one of the most influential original thinkers of our time."
  2. Disrupt the Market (시장을 혁신하다)
    • 예문: "The introduction of smartphones significantly disrupted the market for traditional mobile phones."