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영어기사 - CRAVING THE UNTHINKABLE - Navigating the Unique Challenges of Pica Syndrome

by 오천크루즈 2024. 2. 15.

CRAVING THE UNTHINKABLE - Navigating the Unique Challenges of Pica Syndrome

Pica syndrome, a rare eating disorder characterized by the consumption of non-food items, remains largely understudied and underreported. Mary, a 20-year-old from Ireland, recently overcame her unusual craving for firelighters, a habit she developed as a means of self-soothing during her adolescence. Her experience with pica is unique, and she often felt isolated due to the scarcity of similar cases.
The term "pica" is derived from the Latin name for the magpie, a bird known for collecting odd objects. Typically observed in young children, Mary's journey with pica began nine years ago, involving the consumption of rubber, paper, and candle wax. While common items eaten by those with pica include pencil nibs, chalk, plaster, dirt, and ice, the causes behind these cravings remain mysterious and vary from person to person.
Dr. Melinda Karth, a researcher in psychological sciences and eating disorders, notes that rates of pica are higher in individuals with intellectual disabilities or brain injuries. Anxiety may play a role, as some people with pica exhibit obsessive-compulsive behaviors, though body dissatisfaction, a common factor in other eating disorders, is generally absent.
Treatment for pica is challenging due to its complexity, but selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), prescribed for depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder, have shown some effectiveness. Anxiety-related factors, as well as potential links to serotonin levels in the brain, are areas of ongoing research.
Mineral deficiencies and geophagy, the consumption of earth, have also been explored in understanding pica. Sera L Young, an anthropologist, suggests that cravings for earth may have a physiological function, particularly related to micronutrient deficiencies and anaemia. Earth-eating, known as geophagy, has historical roots, with certain clays and soils believed to offer medicinal benefits, such as binding with toxins in the gut.
While some individuals, like Diane, express their geophagy habits as connoisseurs, the safety of such practices remains uncertain. Lead poisoning, a potential risk associated with pica, was found in 76% of cases in a UK study, with exposure often originating from paint or soil. Research indicates that pica behaviors may decline after pregnancy, suggesting a potential link to hormonal changes. People with pica often describe their experiences using language reminiscent of addiction, and overcoming these cravings can be challenging, requiring a "cold turkey" approach.
Despite the limited understanding of pica syndrome, individuals like Mary and Diane continue to navigate their unique journeys. The complexities surrounding pica underscore the importance of further research to develop effective treatments and support for those grappling with this unusual eating disorder.

출처 : 스피쿠스

기사 제목: 천재성 편향 - 본능적 재능이 노력을 능가할 때

이 기사는 피카 증후군, 즉 비식품 항목을 섭취하는 드문 식이 장애에 대해 다루고 있습니다. 20살의 아일랜드 출신 메리는 청소년기 동안 자기 위안의 수단으로 불쏘시개를 먹는 특이한 습관을 극복했습니다. 피카 증후군은 대개 어린 아이들에게서 관찰되며, 메리는 9년 전 고무, 종이, 촛불 왁스 등을 섭취하기 시작했습니다. 이 증후군의 원인은 다양하고 미스터리하며, 치료는 복잡도 때문에 도전적입니다. 일부 사례에서는 SSRI 약물이 어느 정도 효과를 보였습니다. 또한, 피카 증후군은 지적 장애나 뇌 손상이 있는 개인에서 더 높은 비율로 나타납니다. 미네랄 결핍과 지오파지(흙을 먹는 습관)도 피카를 이해하기 위해 탐구되었습니다. 피카 행동은 임신 후 감소할 수 있으며, 일부 사람들은 중독을 연상시키는 언어를 사용하여 자신의 경험을 설명합니다.

단어 학습:

  1. Pica Syndrome (피카 증후군): 피카 증후군은 비식품 항목을 섭취하는 식이 장애입니다.

    • 예문: Researchers are still trying to understand the underlying causes of Pica Syndrome.
  2. Self-soothing (자기 위안): 스스로를 진정시키거나 안정시키는 행동이나 방법입니다.

    • 예문: Meditation and deep breathing are common self-soothing techniques used to reduce stress.
  3. Obsessive-Compulsive (강박적인): 반복적이고 강제적인 생각이나 행동에 사로잡혀 있는 상태입니다.

    • 예문: Obsessive-compulsive behaviors can significantly impact an individual's daily life.
  4. Serotonin (세로토닌): 뇌에서 발견되는 주요 신경전달물질로, 기분과 사회적 행동에 영향을 미칩니다.

    • 예문: Serotonin levels are often targeted in the treatment of depression.
  5. Geophagy (지오파지): 흙이나 토양과 같은 지구 물질을 섭취하는 습관입니다.

    • 예문: Geophagy has been practiced in various cultures for its perceived health benefits.

영어 표현:

  1. Overcoming Cravings (욕구 극복하기): 강렬한 욕구나 갈망을 극복하는 행위를 의미합니다.

    • 예문: After quitting smoking, he focused on overcoming cravings by keeping himself busy with hobbies.
  2. Underreported (보고되지 않은): 충분히 보고되거나 인지되지 않은 상태를 설명할 때 사용합니다.

    • 예문: Mental health issues are often underreported due to the stigma associated with them.