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THE RISE OF 'CLIMATE QUITTERS' - When Workers Say Goodbye

by 오천크루즈 2023. 12. 22.

THE RISE OF 'CLIMATE QUITTERS' - When Workers Say Goodbye

A growing movement of employees is choosing to part ways with companies that fail to align with their environmental values. This emerging trend, often dubbed 'climate quitting,' represents a powerful call to action, urging businesses to take stronger measures in combating climate change. Steffen Krutzinna, a 38-year-old energy trader in Cologne, Germany, had a flourishing career at Next Kraftwerke. However, when Next Kraftwerke's parent company, Shell, shifted its strategy away from climate promises to reduce oil production, Krutzinna swiftly resigned, even without another job lined up. He shared his decision on LinkedIn, emphasizing his refusal to be part of a corporation prioritizing short-term profits over social and environmental responsibilities.
Krutzinna is part of a growing wave of 'climate quitters' – individuals who leave their jobs due to a misalignment of their values with their employer's environmental policies. A survey by carbon removal marketplace Supercritical found that 35% of 2,000 UK office workers would consider quitting over weak climate action from their employers. This figure jumps to 53% among Gen Z employees.
Climate campaigner Paul Polman, former CEO of Unilever, emphasizes the gravity of the environmental crises we face today. He asserts that employees are increasingly aware of climate issues and calls for companies to go beyond corporate social responsibility, suggesting that they must actively work to solve global problems.
Polman's survey of 4,000 employees in the UK and US in 2023 revealed that two-thirds of respondents were concerned about the environment and desired stronger environmental stances from their companies. Half of the participants were willing to quit their jobs if their values did not align with their employer's ethics.
Leaving a job over climate concerns can be impactful, as highlighted by Caroline Dennett, a safety consultant based in Dorset, UK, who left her 11-year contract with Shell due to the company's disregard for climate change risks. Her LinkedIn resignation video garnered substantial attention, serving as a compelling form of advocacy. Alexis Normand, CEO and co-founder of Greenly, notes that such public resignations can lead to reputational damage for employers, compelling them to take more decisive action on climate-related issues.
Some climate quitters, like Mathew Hampshire-Waugh, who left his job in equities research at Credit Suisse, believe their departures negatively impact their former employers. Hampshire-Waugh's experience revealed a reluctance to change views within the oil and gas team, which led him to leave. Research from KPMG in 2023 confirms that companies are affected when employees quit over climate concerns, potentially shrinking their talent pool. The survey found that 20% of 6,000 UK workers had turned down job offers from companies whose ESG commitments did not align with their personal values. This percentage rose to 33% among 18-to-24-year-olds.
While climate quitting is gaining traction, it's not always an option for everyone. Sharon Keilthy, a former senior executive at McKinsey & Co, decided to leave her job to set up a sustainable toy company. She acknowledges her privilege in being able to make that choice due to her savings and financial stability. However, for some, staying in a job can be a way to drive change from within.
Hampshire-Waugh, for example, initially worked in a team with no climate focus but managed to shift its direction toward environmental issues. Keilthy encourages individuals to wear their "climate hat" at work, emphasizing the importance of making every job a climate-focused one. Staying in a position and voicing climate concerns can also be effective, as shown in McKinsey & Co research that indicates that such actions have a positive effect on employee commitment and retention.
In the end, whether through climate quitting or advocacy within their workplaces, employees are increasingly pushing for change in corporate environmental policies. The 'climate quitters' are sounding a wake-up call for businesses, reminding them that prioritizing profits over the planet is no longer acceptable in today's climate-conscious world.

출처 : 스피쿠스

기사 제목: 클라이밋 퀴터스"

직원들이 환경 가치에 부합하지 않는 회사와 이별을 선택하는 '클라이밋 퀴터스(Climate Quitters)'라는 운동이 성장하고 있습니다. 독일 쾰른의 에너지 트레이더 스테판 크루츠니나는 회사의 환경 정책에 반하는 방향으로 전환하자 다른 일자리가 없음에도 불구하고 회사를 떠났습니다. 이러한 경향은 비즈니스들이 기후 변화에 대한 더 강력한 조치를 취하도록 촉구합니다. 일부는 직장 내에서 변화를 추진하려고 노력하지만, 다른 이들은 환경 가치에 맞지 않는 회사를 떠나는 것을 선택합니다.


  1. Climate Quitters (클라이밋 퀴터스): 환경 가치에 반하는 회사를 떠나는 직원들.
    • Example: "The number of climate quitters is increasing as more employees prioritize environmental values."
  2. Environmental Values (환경 가치): 환경을 보호하고 지속 가능한 미래를 추구하는 가치.
    • Example: "Companies are now expected to demonstrate strong environmental values to attract top talent."
  3. Corporate Social Responsibility (기업의 사회적 책임): 기업이 사회와 환경에 미치는 영향에 대한 책임.
    • Example: "Corporate social responsibility includes initiatives to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainability."
  4. ESG Commitments (ESG 약속): 환경, 사회, 그리고 거버넌스와 관련된 기업의 약속.
    • Example: "Investors are increasingly considering a company's ESG commitments when making investment decisions."
  5. Sustainability (지속 가능성): 환경적, 사회적, 경제적으로 장기간 유지 가능한 방식.
    • Example: "Sustainability is a key factor in the long-term success of any business in today's world."


주요 표현 1: "Part ways with" (이별하다, 헤어지다)

  • 영어 예문: "After years of collaboration, the company decided to part ways with its long-standing supplier due to differing business strategies."

주요 표현 2: "Misalignment of values" (가치관의 불일치)

  • 영어 예문: "The employee felt a misalignment of values with the company's new policy, prompting her to seek opportunities elsewhere."