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THE POWER OF REST - Achieving Peak Performance

by 오천크루즈 2023. 12. 19.

THE POWER OF REST - Achieving Peak Performance

In today's fast-paced world, we are often bombarded with the message that long hours and constant work are the only paths to success. Overworking is often glorified, and taking time to rest is perceived as a weakness. However, deep down, we all know that this mindset is neither healthy nor sustainable. Is there an alternative approach that can lead to better job performance and overall well-being?

The traditional concept of downtime has been undervalued in our modern 24/7 society. But if we look back in history, we'll find that virtually every ancient society regarded the good life as a balance between work and rest. Recent research in neuroscience and psychology has also shed light on the importance of rest in enhancing brain function, promoting learning, and boosting creativity. Surprisingly, many of history's most accomplished individuals, such as Charles Darwin and Barbara McClintock, incorporated daily routines full of downtime into their lives, acknowledging that work and rest are not opposing forces but rather complementary partners. Achieving true success and fulfillment requires mastering both.

So, where can you start to incorporate more rest into your daily life? First, it's essential to redefine your understanding of rest. Adequate nighttime sleep is crucial, and short 20-minute naps can provide a quick energy boost. However, when it comes to taking breaks during the day, the most restorative rest is not found on a couch or in front of a screen. The best kind of rest is active, involving activities like exercise, hobbies, and walks. These activities recharge both your mental and physical batteries more effectively, providing you with increased stamina and resilience. Rest is not just a natural occurrence; it's also a skill that can be honed and improved over time, much like an athlete, singer, or Buddhist monk uses specific techniques to enhance their performance.

Second, integrate rest into your daily work routine. Athletes achieve the best results by balancing intense training with recovery periods. Similarly, creative individuals can benefit from combining distraction-free, deep work sessions with deliberate rest periods. Design a schedule that allows you to focus intensely for four to five hours each day while minimizing distractions. During these focused periods, turn off emails and messages, and concentrate on what truly matters. Then, if you have the flexibility, reward yourself with a longer, active break. This break provides your creative subconscious with the opportunity to work on unsolved problems while you recover, leading to those "aha" moments that can turn good ideas into breakthroughs. If flexibility is limited, try to apply these principles to at least part of your downtime when you're off from work.

Third, embrace the concept of deep play. Creative and passionate individuals need breaks from their work, but these breaks should be just as engaging as their work to be effective. Many successful scientists and CEOs have hobbies like painting, music, or cooking, which offer them a sense of accomplishment, control, mastery, and flow similar to what they experience in their professional lives. These hobbies often date back to their childhood, making them even more meaningful. So, find an activity that makes you feel alive and connected to the world. It's not a distraction; it will provide you with new experiences and the same pleasures and rewards as your best work, without the usual complications and ambiguities that often come with professional pursuits.

Fourth, make rest a social activity. The modern working world is not inherently conducive to rest, so we need to consciously make time for it. One powerful way to ensure that you prioritize rest is by sharing it with others. Start your workday early and meet a colleague for an afternoon walk, or engage in activities like a tea ceremony with your partner. Alternatively, you can set up a childcare-swapping arrangement with a friend to create more opportunities for rest. Remember, it's not easy for busy and highly driven individuals to embrace rest, and it requires developing new practices and giving them time to become habits. Just as it takes time to settle into a new job or home, your mind needs time to harness the power of rest. Be patient with yourself if you're not already incorporating these practices into your life. There's no better time to start than now.

In conclusion, the prevailing belief that constant work and minimal rest are the only routes to success is not only unhealthy but also unsustainable. History and contemporary research have shown that rest is an essential element of peak performance. By redefining our understanding of rest, integrating it into our daily work routine, embracing deep play, and making rest a social activity, we can achieve better job performance, increased creativity, and improved overall well-being. Don't wait; start incorporating these principles into your life today for a more balanced and fulfilling approach to success.

출처 : 스피쿠스

기사 제목: 휴식의 힘"

이 기사는 휴식의 중요성과 효율적인 업무 수행을 위한 휴식의 역할에 대해 설명합니다. 현대 사회에서는 장시간 근무와 끊임없는 작업이 성공으로 가는 유일한 길로 여겨지지만, 실제로는 휴식이 뇌 기능 향상, 학습 촉진, 창의력 증진에 중요하다고 합니다. 이 기사는 더 나은 업무 성과와 전반적인 웰빙을 위한 대안적 접근법을 제시합니다.


  1. Peak Performance (최고 성과): 개인이나 조직이 최상의 성과를 낼 수 있는 상태.
    • 예문 : Peak Performance: "To achieve peak performance in your career, it's important to balance work with adequate rest."
  2. Neuroscience (신경과학): 뇌와 신경계의 구조, 기능, 발달, 유전학을 연구하는 학문.
    • 예문 : Neuroscience: "Advances in neuroscience have greatly contributed to our understanding of how the brain learns and processes information."
  3. Creativity (창의력): 새로운 아이디어나 개념을 창출하고 문제를 독창적으로 해결하는 능력.
    • 예문 : Creativity: "Creativity is not just for artists; it's a valuable skill in problem-solving and innovation in any field."
  4. Resilience (회복력): 스트레스나 어려움에 직면했을 때, 원래 상태로 돌아가거나 긍정적으로 적응하는 능력.
    • 예문 : Resilience: "After facing a major setback, her resilience helped her to recover and come back stronger."
  5. Well-being (웰빙): 개인의 건강, 행복, 만족감 등 전반적인 삶의 질을 의미함.
    • 예문 : Well-being: "Regular exercise and healthy eating are key components of physical and mental well-being."


  1. Deep Play (심층 놀이): 일상적인 업무나 스트레스로부터 벗어나 즐기는, 마음에 깊이 있는 취미나 활동을 의미합니다. 이런 활동은 개인의 창의력과 열정을 촉진시키며, 전문적인 활동과 같은 수준의 만족감과 성취감을 제공합니다.
  2. 예문: "After a stressful week at work, I engage in deep play by painting, which helps me relax and rejuvenate."
  3. Creative Subconscious (창의적인 무의식): 의식적인 생각이나 노력 없이도 창의적인 아이디어나 해결책을 생성하는 무의식적인 마음의 상태를 말합니다. 이 상태는 휴식이나 다른 활동 중에 종종 발생하여 새로운 아이디어나 통찰력을 제공할 수 있습니다.
  4. 예문: "While taking a walk in the park, an idea popped into my head from my creative subconscious, solving a problem I'd been pondering for days."

power of rest