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by 오천크루즈 2024. 1. 3.


In today's professional landscape, it's no secret that people often feel detached from their workplaces, their job roles, and especially their colleagues. Amidst the backdrop of pandemic-induced stress and remote work, this disconnection has become even more pronounced. Yet, the importance of nurturing strong relationships with our coworkers cannot be overstated. Research has shown that these relationships can significantly impact our success, innovation, and overall job satisfaction.
Mark T. Rivera, a seasoned social scientist, has delved into the dynamics of workplace collaboration and its effects on well-being and professional achievements. Here, we explore three practical strategies to better connect with your coworkers, each of which can make a substantial difference in your work life.
1. Building Trust Through Vulnerability
Trust is the foundation of any successful professional relationship. However, establishing trust can often seem elusive. A counterintuitive approach, based on the concept of a "vulnerability loop," suggests that trust often emerges after individuals have been open and vulnerable with one another. Instead of waiting for trust to form before opening up, sharing personal experiences or concerns can create a safe environment for others to reciprocate.
For instance, confiding in a coworker about your concerns regarding your child's new school or expressing worries about an impending project can foster a sense of trust. Mark T. Rivera conducted a comprehensive study at Google that revealed teams with higher levels of trust were more successful due to members feeling comfortable sharing their best ideas. So, don't be afraid to open up – it's the first step towards building a more effective and supportive team.
2. Become a Joiner to Expand Your Network
While close friends can offer valuable support, they may not always be the best source of fresh information or novel perspectives. Surprisingly, it's often acquaintances or what social scientists refer to as "weak ties" who connect us to diverse social circles and, consequently, new ways of thinking. These connections can be a powerful catalyst for innovation and personal growth.
Joining groups or organizations outside your regular work sphere, such as philanthropic groups, sports clubs, or employee resource groups, can be a fertile ground for nurturing weak ties. These connections can introduce you to unique perspectives and unexpected ideas. For instance, a casual encounter with a colleague from another department during a game of pickleball might lead to a groundbreaking project collaboration.
3. Facilitating a Sense of Belonging
Creating a sense of belonging within the workplace is essential, particularly for managers looking to foster a cohesive team. Mark T. Rivera shares a remarkable experience where a simple experiment in the onboarding process led to lasting connections. New employees were divided into groups with different colored T-shirts, encouraging them to identify and connect with their respective teams. This small change led to significant shifts in employee interactions.
While colored T-shirts may not be the ideal solution for every organization, creating distinct and recognizable markers, such as team swag or project code names, can be just as effective in fostering a sense of belonging. The key is to make it easier for people to identify and connect with their groups, thereby encouraging lasting relationships that extend beyond the initial encounter.
In a world where feelings of isolation and disconnection prevail, it's crucial to recognize that reconnecting with coworkers doesn't just benefit individuals; it enriches the entire professional community. By implementing these strategies, we can enhance collaboration, innovation, and job satisfaction, ultimately creating a more supportive and thriving work environment for all.

출처 : 스피쿠스

기사 제목: 자기 인식의 착각"

이 기사에서는 우리가 자신의 선택을 어떻게 이해하는지에 대한 일반적인 믿음과 실제 사이의 차이점을 다룹니다. 실험심리학자 Petter Johansson이 실시한 실험을 통해 자기 인식의 착각을 밝혀냅니다. 이 실험에서 참가자들은 얼굴 사진 쌍 중에서 더 매력적인 것을 선택했으며, 연구팀은 참가자들의 선택을 몰래 바꿔 치기했습니다. 참가자들은 이 변화를 인지하지 못하고 자신의 선택을 정당화하는 설명을 제공했습니다. 이 실험은 '선택 맹목'이라는 현상을 드러냈으며, 우리가 생각하는 것보다 결정을 이해하는 능력에 큰 차이가 있음을 보여줍니다.

단어 학습:

  1. 신뢰 (Trust): 직장에서의 성공적인 관계의 기초는 신뢰입니다.
    • 예문: Effective teamwork in the office is built on a foundation of trust among colleagues.
  2. 취약성 (Vulnerability): 서로에 대한 취약성을 드러내면 신뢰가 형성될 수 있습니다.
    • 예문: By showing vulnerability, she encouraged open communication within her team.
  3. 네트워크 확장 (Expanding Your Network): 새로운 관점과 정보를 얻기 위해 다양한 그룹에 참여하는 것이 중요합니다.
    • 예문: Expanding his network through professional groups, John discovered new opportunities for collaboration.
  4. 소속감 (Sense of Belonging): 직장에서 소속감을 느끼는 것은 팀의 일체감을 형성하는 데 중요합니다.
    • 예문: The company's initiative to foster a sense of belonging significantly improved employee morale.
  5. 혁신 (Innovation): 다양한 아이디어와 관점은 혁신을 촉진할 수 있습니다.
    • 예문: Innovation in the workplace is often sparked by bringing together diverse ideas and perspectives.

영어 표현:

  1. Vulnerability Loop (취약성 루프): 이는 신뢰 형성 과정에서 개인이 서로에게 취약점을 드러내며 상호 신뢰를 구축하는 개념입니다.
    • 예문: "In our team meeting, we engaged in a vulnerability loop by sharing personal challenges, which helped build trust among us."
  2. Weak Ties (약한 연결): 이는 친밀한 관계보다는 지인이나 가벼운 관계를 통해 새로운 사회적 네트워크와 아이디어에 접근하는 개념입니다.
    • 예문: "Through weak ties with colleagues in different departments, I gained insights that proved invaluable for our project."