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by 오천크루즈 2023. 12. 18.

META'S LEGAL CHALLENGE - Alleged Exploitation of Youth on Instagram and Facebook

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger, has found itself at the center of a legal storm as more than three dozen U.S. states launched lawsuits against the tech giant. The lawsuits, led by Colorado and California, with the support of 33 states, assert that Meta knowingly harnessed features on Instagram and Facebook to entice children and young users to its platforms, contradicting the company's claims of ensuring safety for the youth. Additionally, the District of Columbia and eight other states initiated separate legal actions against Meta, echoing similar allegations.
In their complaints, the states contend that Meta deliberately designed product features with psychological manipulation techniques aimed at driving compulsive and extended use by young users. The company's algorithms were allegedly engineered to lead children and teenagers into harmful content rabbit holes. Features such as "infinite scroll" and persistent alerts were accused of being tools employed to keep young users engaged. Moreover, Meta was accused of breaching federal children's online privacy laws by collecting the personal data of its youngest users without parental consent. The lawsuits span over 233 pages and emphasize that Meta's primary motive in this alleged exploitation of young users is profit. Meta responded by expressing its commitment to creating a safer environment for teenagers, having introduced over 30 tools to support teenagers and their families. The company also expressed disappointment at the approach taken by the attorneys general, suggesting that a more collaborative effort across the industry to establish age-appropriate standards for teenage apps would have been a more productive route.
The legal action against Meta is remarkable due to the significant number of states joining forces to challenge a tech giant for consumer-related grievances. This collective effort underscores the states' focus on the issues surrounding children's safety online, drawing parallels to past collaborative efforts against Big Tobacco and Big Pharma companies.
Colorado's Attorney General, Phil Weiser, likened Meta's actions to the profit-maximizing strategies employed by Big Tobacco and vaping companies, which have historically compromised public health, particularly that of young individuals. This lawsuit reflects a broader global trend of legislators attempting to regulate platforms like Instagram and TikTok to safeguard children online.
The investigation into the potential harm caused by Instagram on young people began several years ago as concerns mounted over issues like cyberbullying and teen mental health. In early 2021, Facebook's announcement of the development of "Instagram Kids," aimed at users under 13, triggered backlash from lawmakers and children's advocacy groups. A group of attorneys general from over 40 states penned a letter to Facebook's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, expressing their concerns and urging the company to abandon the project.
The situation escalated when Frances Haugen, a former Facebook employee, leaked research indicating that the company was aware of the mental health risks posed to young people by its platforms. This prompted Facebook to pause the development of Instagram Kids. In November of the same year, a bipartisan group of attorneys general initiated an investigation into Instagram's impact on young users, further intensifying concerns about potential harm.
The attorneys general are seeking financial penalties from Meta under local and state consumer protection laws. They are also requesting injunctive relief to compel the company to discontinue the use of specific tech features that they believe have harmed young users.
As this legal battle unfolds, Meta is expected to vigorously contest the case. The Colorado attorney general noted that he filed the lawsuit after unsuccessful attempts to reach a settlement with the company. Meanwhile, another group of attorneys general from over 40 states is currently investigating user engagement practices at TikTok and their potential adverse effects on young individuals, marking an ongoing effort to ensure the well-being of children in the digital age.

출처 : 스피쿠스

기사 제목: 미국 30개 주, 메타에 대한 법적 소송 제기: Instagram과 Facebook에서 청소년 착취 혐의"

미국의 30개 이상 주가 Meta, Facebook과 Instagram의 모회사,를 상대로 소송을 제기했습니다. 이들 주는 Meta가 어린이와 청소년을 유혹하기 위해 Instagram과 Facebook의 기능을 고의적으로 사용했다고 주장합니다. 소송은 Meta가 어린 사용자들의 개인 정보를 부모의 동의 없이 수집했으며, 이로 인해 이익을 추구했다고 지적합니다. Meta는 안전한 환경 조성에 대한 자신들의 노력을 강조하며 실망감을 표현했습니다. 이 사건은 온라인에서 어린이의 안전을 보호하기 위한 노력의 일환으로, 전 세계적인 추세를 반영합니다.


  1. Legal Challenge (법적 도전): "The company faced a significant legal challenge over its new policy." (회사는 새로운 정책에 대한 중대한 법적 도전에 직면했다.)
  2. Exploitation (착취): "The film highlighted the exploitation of workers in the industry." (그 영화는 업계에서 일하는 근로자들의 착취를 부각시켰다.)
  3. Alleged (주장된): "The alleged fraudster was arrested yesterday." (주장된 사기꾼이 어제 체포되었다.)
  4. Compulsive (강박적인): "He had a compulsive habit of checking his emails every five minutes." (그는 5분마다 이메일을 확인하는 강박적인 습관을 가지고 있었다.)
  5. Injunctive Relief (금지 명령): "The court granted injunctive relief to stop the illegal activities." (법원은 불법 활동을 중단시키기 위해 금지 명령을 내렸다.)


  1. Psychological Manipulation (심리적 조작):
    • "The advertising campaign was criticized for its use of psychological manipulation to influence consumer behavior." (이 광고 캠페인은 소비자 행동에 영향을 미치기 위한 심리적 조작 사용으로 비판을 받았다.)
  2. Consumer Protection Laws (소비자 보호 법률):
    • "The company was fined for violating consumer protection laws by misleading customers with false advertising." (회사는 거짓 광고로 고객을 오도하여 소비자 보호 법률을 위반한 혐의로 벌금을 부과받았다.)