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ESPORTS ICON FAKER - Leading South Korea's Charge at Asian Games (high int)

by 오천크루즈 2023. 11. 21.

The 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou have kicked off, and one of the standout names in this prestigious event is South Korea's Lee Sang-hyeok, known to the gaming world as Faker. Renowned as one of the greatest esports players of all time, the 27-year-old is among the 1,140 athletes and officials in South Korea's delegation. Lee, better known as Faker, is spearheading South Korea's ambitions in esports, which is making its debut as a medal event in Asian Games history. South Korea has assembled a formidable national team of 15 players competing in four out of seven esports categories. One of these categories is the popular multiplayer battle arena game "League of Legends" (LoL), a title that Faker has dominated for nearly a decade. His arrival in Hangzhou drew louder cheers than any of his compatriots. South Korea is determined to make amends for their lackluster performance at the 2018 games when esports was only a demonstration event. In the 2018 Asian Games held in Indonesia, South Korea's streak of securing the second position, trailing behind China, was broken by Japan. This time, South Korea has set its sights on at least two gold medals in esports, with aspirations to challenge Japan for the runner-up spot. Overall, the country is striving for 50 gold medals and aims to secure the third position in the total medal tally. Faker's LoL team is gearing up to face Hong Kong and Kazakhstan in the group matches, with the winner progressing to the knockout rounds against Saudi Arabia. It's important to note that Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, India, and China earned direct berths to the quarterfinals through the qualification tournament, which South Korea opted out of. Despite formidable competition, South Korea's national esports team is considered one of the strongest contenders for the first-ever LoL gold medal at the Asian Games. However, the road to victory will be challenging, especially with the formidable Chinese team in the mix. Beyond LoL, South Korea's national esports team will compete in five out of the seven disciplines, including EA Sports FC Online (FIFA Online 4), Peace Elite Asian Games Version (PUBG Mobile), and Street Fighter V: Champion Edition. Notably, Faker is among the male athletes in the South Korean squad who could potentially secure exemption from mandatory military service through success at the Asian Games. South Korean law stipulates that all able-bodied men must serve in the military for a minimum of two years, but gold medalists at the Asian Games or Olympics can be exempted from this duty. Controversy had recently surrounded whether Asian Games gold medalists should continue to receive these benefits, but the existing system was upheld. South Korea's medal quest has already begun, with Kim Sun-woo winning the country's first medal by securing silver in the women's individual modern pentathlon event. South Korea's national women's pentathlon team also clinched the bronze medal in the team discipline, trailing behind China and Japan. As the nation paraded into the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Centre Stadium for the opening ceremony, fencer Gu Bon-gil and swimmer Kim Seo-yeong proudly carried the flag, with Prime Minister Han Duck-soo representing the country from the stands. The Asian Games promise thrilling competition, and South Korea's esports star Faker is determined to lead his team to victory in this historic esports debut.

출처 : 스피쿠스

기사 요약

제19회 아시안 게임이 중국 항저우에서 화려한 막을 올렸습니다. 이번 대회에서 주목받는 인물 중 한 명은 바로 대한민국의 이상혁, 세계적으로 'Faker'로 알려진 e스포츠의 살아있는 전설입니다. 이번 아시안 게임에 e스포츠가 정식 종목으로 채택된 가운데, Faker는 한국 대표팀을 이끌며 금메달 사냥에 나섭니다.

아시안 게임에서의 e스포츠

이상혁은 '리그 오브 레전드'(LoL) 게임에서 거의 10년 동안 세계를 지배해 온 선수입니다. 그의 등장은 다른 어떤 한국 선수보다도 큰 환호를 받았죠. 2018년 아시안 게임에서는 e스포츠가 시범 종목이었지만, 이번에는 정식 종목으로 업그레이드되어 한국은 금메달 2개 이상을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 특히, 중국과 일본을 제치고 종합 2위를 노리고 있는 상황입니다.

Faker와 군 면제

Faker는 이번 아시안 게임에서 성공을 거두면 군 면제 혜택을 받을 수 있는 남자 선수 중 한 명입니다. 대한민국법은 모든 건강한 남성에게 최소 2년간의 병역 의무를 부과하지만, 아시안 게임이나 올림픽에서 금메달을 획득하면 이 의무에서 면제될 수 있습니다. 최근 이러한 혜택에 대한 논란이 있었으나, 현행 제도는 유지되고 있습니다.


대한민국은 벌써 첫 메달을 획득했으며, Faker를 포함한 e스포츠 대표팀은 역사적인 이번 대회에서 뛰어난 성과를 기대하고 있습니다. 전 세계가 주목하는 가운데, Faker와 대한민국 대표팀의 활약에 모두의 이목이 집중되고 있습니다.


  1. Esports (e스포츠): 전자 스포츠, 컴퓨터 게임을 경쟁적으로 플레이하는 스포츠 활동.
    • Example: Esports competitions attract thousands of spectators both online and in stadiums.
  2. Delegation (대표단): 특정 목적을 위해 다른 그룹이나 조직을 대표하기 위해 선택된 사람들의 집단.
    • Example: The South Korean delegation at the Asian Games includes renowned athletes and officials.
  3. Medal (메달): 스포츠나 다른 경쟁에서 우수한 성과를 낸 사람에게 주어지는 상.
    • Example: The team was overjoyed to win a gold medal at the Asian Games.
  4. Controversy (논란): 대중적인 의견 불일치나 논쟁.
    • Example: There was a controversy over the exemption of military service for Asian Games medalists.
  5. Exemption (면제): 특정한 의무나 규정에서 벗어날 수 있는 허가나 상태.
    • Example: Winning a gold medal in the Asian Games can grant an athlete exemption from military service in South Korea.


  1. "Lead the charge" (선두를 이끌다): 어떤 활동이나 운동, 노력의 선두에 서서 이끌다는 의미입니다.
    • 예문: The young entrepreneur led the charge in innovating sustainable energy solutions.
  2. "Set one's sights on" (목표를 설정하다): 특정 목표나 결과에 초점을 맞추다는 뜻입니다.
    • 예문: After graduating, she set her sights on pursuing a career in biomedical research.