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영어기사 - AI-DRIVEN ROBOTIC CHEMISTS - A Key to Oxygen Production on Mars

by 오천크루즈 2024. 1. 30.

AI-DRIVEN ROBOTIC CHEMISTS - A Key to Oxygen Production on Mars

In the pursuit of human colonization on Mars, there is one essential resource that must be secured: oxygen. This precious element is vital not only for human respiration but also for powering rocket fuels needed for return missions. However, the Martian atmosphere contains only a minuscule amount of oxygen, rendering the transport of air from Earth to Mars impractical. The solution to this challenge lies in harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and robotics to locally generate oxygen on the red planet. A recent breakthrough introduces a robotic chemist, driven by AI, capable of autonomously creating catalysts from locally sourced materials, with the potential to produce as much oxygen as a tree.
The study, unveiled in the prestigious journal Nature Synthesis, reveals that an AI-powered robot can rapidly master the art of oxygen production, a feat that would take a human an entire lifetime to accomplish. The rationale behind this efficiency, as outlined in the paper, is the staggering number of potential oxygen evolution reaction (OER) catalysts that Mars harbors. This abundance of possibilities would overwhelm human efforts, compounded by the challenge of communication with Earth, where transmissions can take up to 20 minutes to bridge the gap between the two planets.
The paper emphasizes the critical importance of oxygen supply for any human activity on Mars. Rocket propellants and life support systems consume significant amounts of oxygen, which cannot be replenished from the Martian atmosphere. In light of these challenges, AI-driven robots emerge as a promising solution, capable of autonomously managing the oxygen supply and mitigating potential obstacles to human survival on Mars.
The authors state, "Here we demonstrate a robotic artificial-intelligence chemist for automated synthesis and intelligent optimization of catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction from Martian meteorites. The entire process, including Martian ore pretreatment, catalyst synthesis, characterization, testing, and, most importantly, the search for the optimal catalyst formula, is performed without human intervention."
In stark contrast to the extensive trial-and-error process that a human would require, AI robots can unravel this puzzle in a mere six weeks. The study elaborates, "Within six weeks, the AI chemist built a predictive model by learning from nearly 30,000 theoretical datasets and 243 experimental datasets."
This innovation in robot chemistry builds upon the remarkable progress made in recent years. For instance, in a 2020 experiment, researchers employed a mobile robot to enhance hydrogen production from water. This very technology now holds the promise of making its way to another celestial body, potentially paving the way for human exploration.
In closing, the authors of the study affirm, "Our study provides a demonstration that an advanced AI chemist can, without human intervention, synthesize OER catalysts on Mars from local ores. The established protocol and system, which are generic and adaptive, are expected to advance automated material discovery and synthesis of chemicals for the occupation and exploration of extraterrestrial planets."
As we look to the future of Mars colonization, AI-driven robotic chemists represent a groundbreaking development, offering the potential to secure the oxygen needed for human survival and ushering in a new era of extraterrestrial exploration.

출처 : 스피쿠스

기사 제목: 화성 인간 거주를 위한 필수 자원인 산소를 확보

이 기사에서는 화성 인간 거주를 위한 필수 자원인 산소를 확보하는 데 인공지능과 로봇 기술이 어떻게 기여할 수 있는지를 설명합니다. 화성의 대기에는 산소가 거의 없기 때문에 지구에서 화성으로 공기를 운송하는 것은 비현실적입니다. 대신, 로컬에서 산소를 생성할 수 있는 AI 주도의 로봇 화학자의 개발이 이 문제의 해결책으로 제시됩니다. 이 로봇은 현지에서 채취한 재료로 촉매를 자동으로 만들어내며, 나무 한 그루가 생산할 수 있는 만큼의 산소를 생산할 수 있는 잠재력을 가지고 있습니다.

단어 학습:

  1. Colonization (거주): 화성이나 다른 행성에 인간이 거주하고 생활할 수 있는 환경을 만드는 과정.
  2. Oxygen (산소): 인간이 호흡하고 생존하는 데 필수적인 무색, 무취의 기체 원소.
  3. Artificial Intelligence (인공지능): 인간의 지능적 행위를 모방하는 컴퓨터 시스템 또는 기계.
  4. Robotic Chemist (로봇 화학자): 화학반응이나 실험을 자동으로 수행할 수 있는 로봇 기술.
  5. Catalysts (촉매): 화학 반응을 촉진하고 반응 속도를 높이는 데 사용되는 물질.


  1. Colonization: "The science fiction novel explored the challenges and adventures of Martian colonization."
  2. Oxygen: "Emergency crews provided oxygen masks to the survivors of the fire to help them breathe."
  3. Artificial Intelligence: "Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing industries by automating complex tasks and providing insights from large data sets."
  4. Robotic Chemist: "The university's new robotic chemist can perform experiments 24/7, significantly speeding up research in the lab."
  5. Catalysts: "Researchers discovered a new catalyst that greatly increases the efficiency of converting water into hydrogen fuel."

영어 표현:

  1. Autonomously Creating (자율적으로 생성하는):
    • 의미: 외부의 명시적인 개입 없이 스스로 무언가를 만들어 내거나 생성하는 행위.
    • 예문: "The new software is capable of autonomously creating complex digital artworks, mimicking the styles of famous painters."
  2. Optimal Catalyst Formula (최적의 촉매 공식):
    • 의미: 특정 화학반응에서 최대의 효율을 달성하기 위해 사용되는 촉매의 가장 이상적인 조합이나 구성.
    • 예문: "After months of experimentation, the team finally discovered the optimal catalyst formula for the biofuel synthesis process."