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by 오천크루즈 2023. 12. 28.

THE ILLUSION OF SELF-KNOWLEDGE - Why We Don't Always Understand Our Choices

Have you ever wondered why you believe what you do or why you make the choices you make? Do you trust your ability to explain your decisions and preferences accurately? It's a common belief that we have a solid understanding of our own choices, but what if we told you that this understanding might be more elusive than you think? In this article, we explore an intriguing experiment conducted by experimental psychologist Petter Johansson, shedding light on the illusion of self-knowledge.
The Experiment: Revealing the Illusion
Petter Johansson and his team set out to challenge people's perceptions of their own decision-making abilities by creating a remarkable experiment. They collaborated with Swedish magicians, experts in creating the illusion of free choice, to manipulate people's decisions without their awareness. The experiment involved participants selecting between pairs of faces based on attractiveness. Unbeknownst to the participants, their chosen images were swapped, and they were presented with the opposite choice. The researchers then asked the participants to explain their selections.
Surprisingly, when participants were confronted with the manipulated choices, they confidently provided explanations justifying their decisions. Even though they believed their reasons were genuine, they were actually constructing these explanations post hoc. The experiment exposed a phenomenon known as "choice blindness," where individuals unknowingly accept and rationalize choices they didn't make.
The Power of Self-Interpretation
The results of the experiment revealed a significant gap between our perception of self-knowledge and reality. When asked why we make certain choices, we engage in a rapid process of self-interpretation. This process involves quickly generating reasons that make sense to us. However, the ease with which we perform this self-interpretation can lead us to believe that we genuinely understand our decisions when, in fact, we may not.
The Implications for Everyday Life
This illusion of self-knowledge has broader implications in our daily lives. Whether you're designing a product, interviewing someone for a news story, or making political decisions, asking people to explain their choices may influence their attitudes. The experiment's findings suggest that people can change their minds when they engage in conversations about opposing viewpoints. This knowledge can be a powerful tool in areas where shifting attitudes is essential, such as politics and interpersonal relationships.
Flexibility and Self-Understanding
On the bright side, this research suggests that we are more adaptable and flexible in our thinking than we might believe. Our attitudes are not necessarily set in stone, and we can change our minds. Understanding the malleability of our own and others' viewpoints can foster healthier relationships and more effective communication.
In conclusion, Petter Johansson's experiment challenges the assumption that we fully comprehend the reasons behind our choices. The illusion of self-knowledge reveals that we often engage in self-interpretation, constructing explanations that may not accurately represent our true motives. By recognizing this limitation, we can become more adaptable and open to new perspectives, both in our personal lives and on a broader scale. So, the next time you ask yourself or someone else, "Why did you make that choice?" remember that the answer may not be as clear-cut as it seems.

출처 : 스피쿠스

기사 제목: 자기 인식의 착각"

이 기사에서는 우리가 자신의 선택을 어떻게 이해하는지에 대한 일반적인 믿음과 실제 사이의 차이점을 다룹니다. 실험심리학자 Petter Johansson이 실시한 실험을 통해 자기 인식의 착각을 밝혀냅니다. 이 실험에서 참가자들은 얼굴 사진 쌍 중에서 더 매력적인 것을 선택했으며, 연구팀은 참가자들의 선택을 몰래 바꿔 치기했습니다. 참가자들은 이 변화를 인지하지 못하고 자신의 선택을 정당화하는 설명을 제공했습니다. 이 실험은 '선택 맹목'이라는 현상을 드러냈으며, 우리가 생각하는 것보다 결정을 이해하는 능력에 큰 차이가 있음을 보여줍니다.

단어 학습:

  1. Illusion of Self-Knowledge (자기 인식의 착각)
    • 의미: 자신의 결정이나 동기를 이해한다고 믿지만 실제로는 그렇지 않은 상태.
    • 예문: "Many people fall victim to the illusion of self-knowledge, believing they understand their actions better than they actually do."
  2. Choice Blindness (선택 맹목)
    • 의미: 자신의 진짜 선택이나 선호를 인식하지 못하는 상태.
    • 예문: "During the experiment, participants displayed choice blindness, unaware that their selections were altered."
  3. Self-Interpretation (자기 해석)
    • 의미: 자신의 결정을 빠르게 정당화하기 위해 이유를 생성하는 과정.
    • 예문: "Self-interpretation often involves creating justifications for decisions, even if they are not based on true reasons."
  4. Attitude Change (태도 변화)
    • 의미: 사람의 생각이나 견해가 변하는 과정.
    • 예문: "Attitude change is a significant factor in shaping our perceptions and behaviors."
  5. Effective Communication (의사소통 효과)
    • 의미: 상호 이해와 존중을 구축하기 위한 효율적인 의사 전달 방법.
    • 예문: "Through effective communication, we can bridge gaps and foster better relationships."

영어 표현:

  1. "engaging in a rapid process of self-interpretation" (빠른 자기 해석 과정에 참여하다)
    • 예문: "When asked about their choices, people often engage in a rapid process of self-interpretation to make sense of their decisions."
  2. "constructing explanations post hoc" (사후에 설명을 구성하다)
    • 예문: "The participants were unaware they were constructing explanations post hoc for choices they didn't actually make."

illusion of self-knowledge
illusion of self-knowledge